image ©Rachel Revis
so yesterday was one of the most exciting days ever!
the Olsen twins had a book signing at westwood borders in LA
I got a low quality camera phone picture from my sister
got my book Influence signed and was on my way home.
A total of an eight hour trip that was worth every second!
I would also like to point out that PETA, though I agree with what you stand for; protesting the support of two young girls wearing fur will not stop the act of animal cruelty. These girls are not going out there and doing all the dirty work, making the fur and then wearing it. They simply buy it for a fashion statement; and if that designer did not use fur they would not be capable of doing that. And if the sick bastards that mutilate and torture poor animals would stop then that right there is where the whole process would end. So that is who you should be protesting, not Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen.
Good Point, But if there isn't a demand for fur coats, there would be no need to slauter animals.